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These are 16oz bottles of tisbe, apocyclops, tigriopus, euterpina, pseudodiaptomus and parvocalanus pods.

Copepods are Microcrustaceans that are an extremely important component of nearly every aquatic ecosystem on Earth. They are both the most abundant and the most nutricious in the animal world.

We chose these six species for their unique benefits they add and we feed them several live strains of phytoplankton to ensure they are gut loaded with vital nutrients to help with coral tissue and color as well as being vital sources of protein for fish!

Besides being great fish/coral food

Each species plays a part in keeping your tank clean by feeding on nuisance algae and other organic waste in the water column and around the tank. Many species will continue to repopulate in the tank and make it easier to keep your tank healthy and happy!

Copepods vary in size from just a few microns up to 53+ microns. What you can see with the naked eye are fully formed breeding adult's. Juveniles and larval stages can't be seen by the naked eye and need to be under a range of 100×-300x microscope to be seen.

Temperature acclimation can be done by floating the bottles or leaving them to sit out at room temperature for 30 minutes. We strongly suggest feeding our Nannochloropsis Phytoplankton nightly when these pods come out to feed to increase pod populations.

K&P 6 species copepod blend!

Excluding Sales Tax
Price Options
One-time purchase
Save 10%
$26.10every month until canceled
Save 15%
$24.65every week until canceled
Every 2 Weeks
Save 15%
$24.65every 2 weeks until canceled
  • We use UPS 1-2 day for live food shipments. To minimize the risk of shipping delays we ship on Tuesday or Wednesdays only after contacting you, which we will do via email after Checkout. Your tracking information will also be sent via email as soon as your order has been packaged and delivered to our local UPS location. If you require a shipping day other than Tuesday or Wednesday, please contact us so we can discuss other options.  Please note that before we ship any order out we check the weather in our area as well as the weather in your area to ensure livefoods travel as safely as possible without delay. However, we do understand that there are always the possibillities of delays so for that reason we cover ANY livefood that arrives dead. All we require is just that pictures are taken and sent to us within 1-2 days of your package arriving. 

  • Float pod bottle till they match the tanks temp. For use as coral and fish food pour bottle into tank during day. To seed tank add bottle to tank as lights go out or can be poured half in sump and half in tank. Many pods will still survive no matter the time of day fed and will continue to populate the tank and help keep the tank cleaner overall. 

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