Getting Salty
A Breakdown of Salts We Use
Red Sea Salt
Our top pick for coral enthusiasts
Natural and eco-friendly
Reliable and consistent batches
Mixes around 8.0 ppm alkalinity and 400 ppm calcium
Low moisture content and stores well
During our salt comparison experiments we found our corals to be healthier with much better coloration.
Reef Pro Mix
Synthetic salt
Reliable batches
Mixes usually around 8 ppm alkalinity and 400 ppm calcium
Takes a little more time to mix until cloudiness is gone but has enhanced buffers to help after mixing
Comes in four smaller sacks in a box to make mixing a little easier for large tanks
NeoMarine Salt
Synthetic salt based in America
Mixes quickly
Alkalinity, calcium, and magnesium were a little low in each batch
Comes in a large 5 gallon bucket (150 gallon)
Instant Ocean
Synthetic salt
Most affordable
More reliable batches than the other version (reef crystals)
Mixes slow, but stores the longest; leaves a brown residue more than most salts.
Tests a little higher in alkalinity in most batches