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Cycloseris distorta (hobbyists often refer to these as Diaseris plates)

These grow in wedge like segments due to autonomy; (the ability to weaken areas of its skeleton to break itself apart).

They can reach about 3” in diameter when grown out.

This Fungia is often an irregular shape and

prefers a sand bed with crushed coral or large sand particles, rather than fine sand, or even a lower flat shelf rock to sit on.

Preferring low-moderate light (PAR 80-150) and low to moderate flow.

Fungias have the ability to inflate and move around so give it plenty of space from other corals.

In 2011,Diaseris corals were reclassified into the cycloseris genus due to its molecular breakdown and can be found in many areas of the world including Australia, Madagascar, Indonesia etc.

Cycloseris distorta (Flame Tip Diaseris Plate)

Excluding Sales Tax
  • All corals at K&P Aquaculture specified as aquacultured have been tank raised under Aquaillumination and Red Sea LEDs. Our parameters are kept relatively stable using dosing pumps distributing Calcium supplements in the morning and alkalinity supplements at night.

    • Salinity 33-35 (specific gravity 1.024-1.026)
    • Alkalinity 8.4-9.0
    • Calcium 420-440
    • Magnesium 1300-1400
    • Nitrate 2-4 ppm
    • Phosphate Below 0.05
  • We use USPS and UPS Overnight for coral delivery and we ship on Tuesday and Wednesday only after contacting you, which we will do via email with order and shipping specific information prior to shipment. Monday is the most likely day for delays, and Thursday delays result in Monday deliveries; therefore we ship on Tuesday and Wednesday. If you require a shipping day other than Tuesday or Wednesday, contact us with any questions or requests. Tracking information will be sent to the buyer as soon as the order has been shipped. We check the weather in our area, the weather in your area, and with shippers to do our best to avoid delays but will take care of you if they arrive DOA. We just ask that pictures are taken and sent to us within 1-2 days of arrival. 

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