Mexican Caulerpa, also known as Feather Algae or Fern Algae is a fun add for macro tanks, seahorses, lagoon style etc. preferring low-moderate light (PAR 50-150) flow will affect how this one grows. Under high flow fronds will grow shorter with low flow allowing the fronds to grow much longer. This is a rooting macro algae and will attach in substrate or sand. 1 order will be similar as shown in second picture with min of 6 fronds.
Caulerpa Mexicana (Feather Algae)
Please note that while we go to great lengths to treat, quarantine and remove any unwanted parasites, hitchhikers, and other organisms from our macro algaes, we do not guarantee that this item is completely and totally free of anything unwanted. This is because sometimes spores, eggs, etc can remain viable but not visible, despite our strict quarantine procedure. We strive for the cleanest and highest quality macroalgae but always recommend that you properly quarantine anything new before adding it to your tank.